Monday, October 1, 2018

Html parser for blogger code to encode Adsense

This online parser Tool will convert your adsense,chitika, adbrite and any HTML code into XML which are compatible to latest blogger templates.

Here is the trick to encode your html and adsense code for blog and bloggers

  • First copy any code you want 
  • like adsense, html, script and paste in the box
  • and copy all code its ready for the use were you want
  • its free and easy.
Note :- please dont use this tools any other blog copy script and html so please you use own.
Press to encode your code For blogger html xml paste and copy Ctrl+V"to paste and Ctrl+c" to copy And use Adsense and html parse to xml etc.

Enter Code:
 Press Enter
Parsed Code

How to Encode your code and parse your html to xml and parse Adsense code


i tried to give our best fo you and please share your blogger friends and use regular its free and reliable and very handy.

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Html parser for blogger code to encode Adsense
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About Tools Builder

Hi i am Nitesh kashyap and i am 18 years old and problogger and web developer and Civil Engineer also. i share to creat meta description seo keyword and meta tag for your your blog using single click.